Our Team Will Deliver Expert Persian Rug Cleaning

Persian rugs have been adored for thousands of years, and these days they are still popular. They are used in both homes and businesses, and they are visually appealing in a very unique way. But these rugs are not impervious, and over time they will get dirty if they are exposed to high foot traffic, food spills, drinks spills, pet stains, and other things that can lessen the quality of a rug.
When your rug has become unsightly, this is when you should get in touch with our team. Our qualified and certified rug cleaning experts have been cleaning Persian rugs and other rugs for years, and this is why we are a top choice for both home and business owners who need Persian rug cleaning in Nassau County. We won't stop cleaning until your rug is spotless and sanitary.

Our Services

Rug Cleaning

We use top-of-the-line cleaning products, high-tech tools, and industry-leading cleaning methods to make rugs clean. When we're done, you’ll think your rug just came right out of the store.


Rug Restoration & Repair

Our rug restoration services are also preferred. Whether you need rug recoloring, rug reweaving, rug binding, or rug fringing, we can help you.


The Types Of Rugs We Clean Often

These days, there are thousands of rugs out there, and we can clean the vast majority of these. And if you have any special cleaning instructions, we’ll follow these to a T to ensure the cleaning process goes just how you want. We'll always handle your rug with care, and we can handle old rugs and unique rugs alike. When we're done with cleaning, your rugs will be compliment magnets again. Here are the rugs we clean often:
Shag rugs
Silk rugs
Navajo rugs
Area rugs
Polyester rugs
Wool rugs
Oriental rugs
Moroccan rugs
Kilim rugs
Turkish rugs
Bamboo rugs
Jute rugs
Cotton rugs
Antique rugs
Braided rugs


We’ve Been Serving The Local Area For Years

We have been serving home and business owners in Nassau County for years, and over that time we have learned the value of delivering first-rate service consistently. In a referrals-based business like this one, it really pays to always treat your customers right. We can provide same-day service, and no job is too complex or large for our experts. We're always willing to go above and beyond for those who hire us.


We Can Clean Persian Rugs With Non-Toxic Products

If you want us to only clean your Persian rugs with non-toxic products, we can accommodate this request. This is often sought by those who have young children or pets at home. You don't have to worry about cleaning effectiveness getting compromised. We’ll make your rugs spotless while using eco-friendly products. It won't be any issue at all. Rug cleaning won't come at a cost to the environment.